About Us

360 REALTY has over 200 active short-sale listings throughout California. We have developed a far-reaching network of contacts consisting of property owners, mortgage companies, banks and realtors. The strength of our experience, knowledge and relationships is invaluable. Our offices and regional professionals are located throughout California, servicing clients from San Francisco to San Diego.

360 REALTY is a member of the following regional RE Listing Services: The MLS CLAW, SFAR, REInfolink, MRMLS, MATRIX, So Cal MLS, MLS Alliance, VCRDS MLS, RAPM, East Bay MLS, GAVAR and more.


360 REALTY assists homeowners throughout California in negotiating down the amount owed on their home loan. It creates a win-win situation for both parties by providing the homeowner an option before their property is foreclosed upon, and by achieving maximum return for the lender. We assist homeowners in:

• Protecting the homeowner’s credit from further degradation.
• Presenting a solution to the lender and negotiating favorable terms.
• Helping to minimize their debt obligations.
• Allowing the homeowner and their family to get a fresh start.
• Expediting the process with a fast resolution.


A short sale also called “Short Pay”, is a process by which a lender agrees to receive a lower amount of an owed debt in exchange for the sale of the property to a third party, usually at no cost to the borrower.

Most of short sale services are TOTALLY FREE OF CHARGE. Our short sale specialists may help you prevent the downgrading of your credit scores while providing you A FRESH START.


Due to the recent downturn in the real estate market and the rise in the rates on adjustable mortgages, many homeowners are stuck with homes they cannot afford. After numerous attempts, they are not able to refinance as they had hoped. Now that owners are facing foreclosure, they realize that pursuing a Short Sale lessens the blow to the credit. Sellers realize that if they successfully close a Short Sale, they will be able to repair their credit history in a relatively short amount of time compared to what they will face if they have a foreclosure on their record. Not to mention the unavoidable expenses that are the responsibility of the seller if their home goes back to the bank.

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